Monday, August 1, 2011

It Begins for Me. (February 16)

(click picture to enlarge)

It's high time I share all the photos I took over the course of the protests while they were out screaming in earnest. Some of them turned out wonderfully (like the one above). Many blurry. Others were amateurish, but I meant well. I was involved in a lot of the marching and carrying on, so it was difficult to get a lot of well staged photos, plus my camera works terribly in low to moderate light.

I do plan on doing a bit of commentary, a bit of remembrance about each picture. But this one, I'm just going to let sit.

This is from the from the February 16, two days after the protests really began. I was down there the previous two days, but I forgot my camera, so there's no evidence of it. I really wish I could have taken a picture of the students on February 14 with their signs and everything waiting for the walk light to cross the street. I can't imagine they would do that now. This is the mark of when the numbers really started to get big. Click on the picture and enjoy.

viva wisco

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